ep198 | Higher Education Astrology Predictions
ఉన్నత విద్య – Higher Education Astrology Predictions – This chart is an example of a native who acquired higher education abroad.
Key observations were used when judging the Dasha, Progressions of the natives.
# Observation – Saggitarius ascendant. Lagna lord Jupiter and Wealth lord Saturn in the 10th house.
# Observation – Mars exalted in the 2nd house and is with Moon and Ketu.
# Observation – If there’s an association between Lagna lord, 5th lord and 9th lord. The native will get a good education in life.
# Observation – If Saturn is involved then the native will achieve education with practical understanding.
# Observation – The significator of education is Mercury. Here Mercury is in the Lagna.
This video is an analysis of how the native received higher education without any difficulties and how the upcoming progressions and mahadasha are going to operate.
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