KP Horary Software | Prashna Kundali Software

తెలుగు కెపి ప్రశ్నజాతకం సాఫ్ట్ వేర్. Here you can check your kp horary software in telugu online. This tool gives you complete krishna murthy paddhati prashna kundali in telugu. Download free PDF or print your prashna kundali online.

Web based online kp horary astrology software built for astrologers which is very useful to everyone.

Key features :

* Generate KP Prashna Kundali
* Western Aspects for Houses & Planet
* Ruling Planets (Casting Time & Horary Time)
* Placidus House Division , Multiple KP Ayanasas
* Print & Download KP Prashna Kundali
* Languages (Telugu, Hindi, English, Malayalam, Kannada )
* KP House & Planet Cusp, Sub Lords
* KP House & Planet Signification
* Login & Save Horary Profiles, find saved profiles
* Move Lagna – We can move to 5th or 9th house like that.

#KPHorarySoftware #KPSoftware #KPprashanaSoftware #KPprashna #PrashnaKundali

KP Horary Software
KP Prashna Kundali
KP Software
KP Prashna Jathakam
KP Prashna Horoscope