Many astrology enthusiasts prefer to have a printed or digital copy of their horoscope with them for reference or to show it to an astrologer for predictions. They also expect detailed information on various aspects, such as astakavarga, shadbala, avasta of planets, and five-fold friendship, among others.
Free Janam Kundali
In addition, they seek a comprehensive janam kundali report that includes all varga charts and dosha reports, such as manglik dosha, sade sati, kala sarpa, and pitra dosh dosha. Astrologers may recommend remedies like gemstones, rudraksha, puja & parihara, sade sati, lal kitab, and others to address doshas.
With RVA Astrology’s Janam Kundali software, you can generate all these reports with just one click. You can read them yourself and also share them with your astrologer for reference. Our software covers Vimsottari Dasha, Current Dasha, Yogini Dasha, Chara Dasha, and integrates the results of planet combinations using Artificial Intelligence like ChatGTP.
Our software also offers western progressive graphs, astakavarga transit in graph, western transit in graph, and a user-friendly interface, ensuring the best user experience you’ve never had before.
Kundali Online Features
To summarize, RVA Astrology’s Janam Kundali software offers the following features:
- One-click generation of horoscope reports
- Detailed information on various aspects of astrology
- Comprehensive janam kundali report with all varga charts and dosha reports
- Recommendations for dosha parihara
- Covers Vimsottari Dasha, Current Dasha, Yogini Dasha, Chara Dasha
- Covers Manglik, Sade Sati, Kala Sarpa Dosha, Panchang, Planets with Degrees
- Integrates the results of planet combinations using Artificial Intelligence like ChatGTP
- Offers western progressive graphs, astakavarga transit in graph, western transit in graph
- User-friendly interface for the best user experience.