Ashwini Nakshatra 4th Pada Characteristics

Ashwini kumaras are the golden armored horse headed twins are physicians to the gods, the friends of the sick and unfortunate. The puranas relate that the 2 ashwini kumaras dasra and nasatya were born to mother sanjana/ tvastri and father.

DietyAshwini Kumaras
SoundsChu (चू), Che (चे), Cho (चो), La (ला)
ColourBlood Red
GanaDeva Gana
AnimalA Male Horse

Introduction to Ashwini Nakshatra

Welcome to the Ashwini Nakshatra! (The Star of Transport) We’re excited you’re here.

People born under pada 4 of Ashwini nakshatra are learning the science of body very quickly. They have a tremendous interest in fixing and dissecting the body.

This nakshatra produces most of the physicians and doctors out there. They may belong to medical profession and have helping nature. Ashwini is bad for marriage, any activity demanding high level of patience or cool headed decisions, share market, bed pleasure, finishing activities etc.

We have to look janam kundali for detailed analysis:

  • Kshipra (Swift / Light) – Taking Quick Actions.
  • All forms of transportation and fast travel.
  • Equesrian sports or asscoicated profession.
  • Hearing and Eye sight.
  • Asccociation with emergency services.

Nakshatra Padas

First PadaSecond PadaThird PadaFourth Pada
00°00′ – 03°20′ (1)03°20′ – 06°40′ (1)06°40′ – 10°00′ (1)10°00′ – 13°20′ (1)
Navamsa: AriesNavamsa: TaursNavamsa: GeminiNavamsa: Cancer
Sound: ChuSound: CheSound: ChoSound: La
Keyword: DrivenKeyword: LuxuryKeyword: Sharp MindKeyword: Empathetic
Ashwini Nakshatra 1st Pada CharacteristicsAshwini Nakshatra 2nd Pada Characteristics
Ashwini Nakshatra 3rd Pada CharacteristicsAshwini Nakshatra 4th Pada Characteristics

Elements of Ashwini Nakshatra

StarAshwini Nakshatra
Range00°00′ – 13°20′ in Aries
DietyAshwini Kumaras
Meaning“Born from a Female Horse” or “Possessing Horse” or also “the Horse Woman”
IndicationThe Star of Transport
SymbolHorse Head
Shakti (Power)Shidravyapani Shakti (Power to “Quickly reaching Things or to Quickly attain one’s Objectives”)
Basis AboveCreatures to be Healed
Basis BelowHealing Therapies
DesireThe Ability to Hear Well and not be Deaf
Body PartKnees and the Top Portion of the Feet
Purushartha (Goal)Dharma
Category of StarLaghu (Light/ No Heavy) and Kshipra (Quick/Swift)
Gana (Race)Deva Gana
Guna (Quality)Tamas
VarnaVaishya (Merchant)
Pancha MahabhutaPrithvi (Earth)
TriMurthiBrahma (Create)
AnimalA Male Horse
BirdHamsa (Swan)
TreePoison Nut Tree
SoundsChu (चू), Che (चे), Cho (चो), La (ला)
ColourBlood Red
TridoshaVata (Wind or Air + Space)
Yoni (Gender)Male
Gotra (Clan)Marichi (names translates as the “Light and the Swift One”)
Direction of MotionTiryanga Mukha (Looking Straight/ Facing Forward/Level)

Ashwini Nakshatra 4th Pada Characteristics

Ashwini kumaras are the golden armored horse headed twins are physicians to the gods, the friends of the sick and unfortunate. The puranas relate that the 2 ashwini kumaras dasra and nasatya were born to mother sanjana/ tvastri and father.

DietyAshwini Kumaras
SoundsChu (चू), Che (चे), Cho (चो), La (ला)
ColourBlood Red
GanaDeva Gana
AnimalA Male Horse

Introduction to Ashwini Nakshatra

Welcome to the Ashwini Nakshatra! (The Star of Transport) We’re excited you’re here.

People born under pada 4 of Ashwini nakshatra are learning the science of body very quickly. They have a tremendous interest in fixing and dissecting the body.

This nakshatra produces most of the physicians and doctors out there. They may belong to medical profession and have helping nature. Ashwini is bad for marriage, any activity demanding high level of patience or cool headed decisions, share market, bed pleasure, finishing activities etc.

We have to look janam kundali for detailed analysis:

  • Kshipra (Swift / Light) – Taking Quick Actions.
  • All forms of transportation and fast travel.
  • Equesrian sports or asscoicated profession.
  • Hearing and Eye sight.
  • Asccociation with emergency services.

Nakshatra Padas

First PadaSecond PadaThird PadaFourth Pada
00°00′ – 03°20′ (1)03°20′ – 06°40′ (1)06°40′ – 10°00′ (1)10°00′ – 13°20′ (1)
Navamsa: AriesNavamsa: TaursNavamsa: GeminiNavamsa: Cancer
Sound: ChuSound: CheSound: ChoSound: La
Keyword: DrivenKeyword: LuxuryKeyword: Sharp MindKeyword: Empathetic
Ashwini Nakshatra 1st Pada CharacteristicsAshwini Nakshatra 2nd Pada Characteristics
Ashwini Nakshatra 3rd Pada CharacteristicsAshwini Nakshatra 4th Pada Characteristics

Elements of Ashwini Nakshatra

StarAshwini Nakshatra
Range00°00′ – 13°20′ in Aries
DietyAshwini Kumaras
Meaning“Born from a Female Horse” or “Possessing Horse” or also “the Horse Woman”
IndicationThe Star of Transport
SymbolHorse Head
Shakti (Power)Shidravyapani Shakti (Power to “Quickly reaching Things or to Quickly attain one’s Objectives”)
Basis AboveCreatures to be Healed
Basis BelowHealing Therapies
DesireThe Ability to Hear Well and not be Deaf
Body PartKnees and the Top Portion of the Feet
Purushartha (Goal)Dharma
Category of StarLaghu (Light/ No Heavy) and Kshipra (Quick/Swift)
Gana (Race)Deva Gana
Guna (Quality)Tamas
VarnaVaishya (Merchant)
Pancha MahabhutaPrithvi (Earth)
TriMurthiBrahma (Create)
AnimalA Male Horse
BirdHamsa (Swan)
TreePoison Nut Tree
SoundsChu (चू), Che (चे), Cho (चो), La (ला)
ColourBlood Red
TridoshaVata (Wind or Air + Space)
Yoni (Gender)Male
Gotra (Clan)Marichi (names translates as the “Light and the Swift One”)
Direction of MotionTiryanga Mukha (Looking Straight/ Facing Forward/Level)