ep186 | Advertising Agency in Astrology

ప్రకటనల ఏజెన్సీ – Advertising Agency in Astrology – This chart is of a native who is a serial entrepreneur and came into Broadcasting and advertising.

Key observations used when judging the Dasha, Progressions of the natives.

# Observation – Virgo ascendant Lagna lord Mercury in 3rd house with 12th lord Sun being aspected by 7th lord Jupiter with his special aspect from 11th house.

# Observation – The involvement of 3, 7 and 11th communication houses will indicate advertising and broadcasting and branding. Also the involvement of speech karaka planets Mercury and Jupiter.

# Observation – Association between Mars and Venus is required for creative corners. Venus is in the 2nd house and is being aspected by Moon from the 8th house.

# Observation – Saturn and Rahu in 12 th will also give a lot of creativity.

# Observation – Saturn is in the nakshatra of Venus and Rahu is in the nakshatra of Sun.

# This video is an analysis of whether the native will stay in the same field or not.

#AdvertisingAgencyAstrology #BusinessAstrology #LearnAstrology #TeluguAstrology #AstrologerHyderabad #TeluguAstrologer #RVA #RVATelugu #RVAEnglish #RahasyaVedicAstrology